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  1. Imperial Pronouncements.Alan K. Bowman - forthcoming - Classical Review.
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    Naphtali Lewis (1911–2005).Alan K. Bowman - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (4):446-448.
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    P. Oxy. XLII.Alan K. Bowman - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (01):87-.
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    some Additional Greek Papyri In The John Rylands University Library.Alan K. Bowman & J. D. Thomas - 1979 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 61 (2):290-313.
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    Egypt after the Pharaohs: 332 B. C.-A. D. 642.Donald B. Spanel & Alan K. Bowman - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (1):129.
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  6.  61
    Claude Wehrli: Les Papyrus de Genève, Deuxième Volume: nos. 82–117, Textes littéraires et documentaires. Pp. 161; 34 pls. Genève: Bibliothèque publique et universitaire, 1986. [REVIEW]Alan K. Bowman - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (1):189-189.
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    Demography and Roman Society T. G. Parkin: Demography and Roman Society. Ancient Society and History. Pp. xvi+225. Baltimore, London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992. Cased, $29.95/£22.50. [REVIEW]Alan K. Bowman - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (02):351-353.
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  8.  36
    E. G. Turner: Greek Papyri. An Introduction. Pp. xiv + 227; 8 plates, 1 map. Oxford University Press, 1980. Paper. £7.50. [REVIEW]Alan K. Bowman - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (2):325-325.
  9.  62
    More Papyri, Mainly Documentary - B. Kramer, D. Hagedorn: Kölner Papyri, Band 2. (Papyrologica Colonensia, VII.) Pp. 244; 20 plates. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1978. - H. Harrauer, S. M. E. Van Lith: Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, Band VI, III. Textband pp. 102, Tafelband 24 Plates. Vienna: Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 1978. Paper. - E. Boswinkel, P. Pestman: Textes grecs, démotiques et bilingues (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava, XIX.). Pp. x + 286; 28 plates. Leiden, Brill, 1978. Paper. [REVIEW]Alan K. Bowman - 1980 - The Classical Review 30 (2):263-265.
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    Oxyrhynchus Papyri xli. [REVIEW]Alan K. Bowman - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (2):296-297.
  11.  45
    Papiri della Universitá degli Studi di Milano, volume sesto. [REVIEW]Alan K. Bowman - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (1):188-189.
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    Roman Military Diplomas 1978–84. [REVIEW]Alan K. Bowman - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (1):188-189.
  13.  46
    A Loeb Classical Library Reader. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2006. 234 pp. Paper, $9.95. Anezeri, Sophia, N. Giannakopoulos, and P. Paschidis, eds., with the collaboration of Pelagia Avramidou and Eirini Kalogridou. Index du Bulletin Épigraphique (1987–2001). I: Les Publications; II: Les Mots Grecques; III: Les Mots Français. [REVIEW]Bruna M. Palumbo Stracca Hellenica, Robert Bittlestone, Antonella Borgo, Alan K. Bowman, Peter Garnsey, Averil Cameron, A. J. Boyle, Graziana Brescia, Trevor Bryce & Frederick W. Clayton - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127:477-483.